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EV safety and charging standards
2023-06-28 339

   The automotive industry is one of the most innovative areas in the world, constantly pushing the boundaries of possibility, cost-effectiveness, security, scalability, attractiveness and reliability. With the continuous development of the automotive industry, new technologies such as autonomous driving, intelligent PCM/ECM/ECU, highly intelligent battery systems and smart charging grids are emerging and developing every year.

Automotive electrical connector standard

   Automotive connectors can range from low-voltage communication wire-to-board interconnects to high-voltage EV charging connectors capable of safely conducting hundreds of volts in a downpour. Depending on the geographical location of the vehicle, as well as the technology used and its location in the car, different standards often need to be observed.

   For example, a low-voltage signal connector residing in the driver's cab of a vehicle may not require the same waterproof rating (IP rating) as a signal connector located in the engine compartment.

Common automotive connector standards vary globally because there is no unified global automotive standardization organization, but the most commonly cited automotive standard-setting organizations are:

  • • ISO - International Organization for Standardization

  • • IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission

  • • SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers

  • • GB - GB Standard (People's Republic of China)

   These organizations provide regulatory and standards development efforts in virtually all automotive electrical categories, such as safety, security, connectivity, communications, charging topologies, and more.

The need for EV charging and safety standards

   With traditional and new entrants using a variety of technological approaches to EVs, it is critical to establish standards to ensure the reliability of EV technology. Failures in a car's electronics and charging infrastructure can have fatal consequences for occupants and others involved in rescue teams. Safe operation and reliability of batteries, controllers, plug connectors, switches and wires need to be ensured to ensure peace of mind and avoid accidents. Establishing a regulatory framework for benchmarking various EV component technologies and providing suppliers with a certification process will improve consumer confidence, safety, and supplier compliance. Key benefits of establishing global standards and certifications include:

  • • Safety of people, products and charging infrastructure

  • • Interoperability so that a common infrastructure can be leveraged

  • • Reduce costs and ensure accessibility to mass production and EV technologies

  • • Increased adoption of new technologies supporting the electric vehicle revolution

   The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have published several standards at the global level and converted them in supranational and national versions. The rest of this article describes the standards and the areas where they are most applicable.

An overview of the main international EV safety and charging standards

   Currently, there is no single global standard for electric vehicles. Many major EV production hubs – including Japan, Europe, North America and China – are promoting different ideas in various fields. Although regulatory certifications generally follow technological innovations, they are an important ritual for entering the EV market. By prescribing basic guidelines for safety and environmental compliance, regulatory standards influence the development of technology. For EV technology, four main areas make up the bulk of regulatory and standard-setting efforts:

  • • Safety and security

  • • Charging connector

  • • Charging topology

  • • Communication related to electric vehicle charging


Overview of major EV standards .jpg

Figure 1: Overview of major EV standards

EV safety and security standards

   Electric vehicles require rigorous safety testing. The same safety standards required for conventional vehicles also apply to electric vehicles. Safety standards cover a wide range of specific details related to information management, privacy, installation, occupant injury prevention, and electric shock insulation. The safety of electric vehicles is mainly covered by the international standard ISO 6469. This standard consists of three parts:

  • • On-board electrical energy storage, i.e. batteries

  • • Functional safety means preventing failures

  • • Protect personnel from electrical hazards

  • The table below describes safety and security standards other than ISO 6469.

Standard name


ISO/IEC 27000

Provides advice on best practices for information security management, including privacy, confidentiality, and IT/technical/cybersecurity issues

IEC   60364-7-722

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-722: Requirements for special installations or locations - Supplies for electric vehicles

SAE   J1766

Ensure that there is an adequate barrier between the occupants and the battery system to prevent potentially harmful factors and materials within the battery system from harming the vehicle occupants during a collision

ISO 17409 certified

Safety requirements for conductive connections of electric vehicles to external circuits

IEC   61140

Protection against electric shock. Common aspects of installation and equipment

IEC   62040

Uninterruptible Power Supply System (UPS)

IEC   60529

Degree of protection provided by the enclosure (IP code)

Electric vehicle charging connector

   EV charging connector or plug type standards vary by geography and model. While there is no consensus on universal plug technology, there are a large number of global automakers in North America and Europe that support combined charging systems (CCS). Japanese automakers use CHArge de MOve (CHAdeMO), while China – the world's largest electric vehicle market uses GB/T. All standards are designed to define a common EV conductive charging system architecture, including operational requirements as well as functional and dimensional requirements for vehicle entry and mating connectors.

In North America, SAE J1772 (IEC 62196 Type 1), also known as J plug, is the standard for electrical connectors for electric vehicles. Maintained by SAE International and officially known as "SAE Ground Vehicle Recommended Practice J1772, SAE Electric Vehicle Conductive Charge Couplers", it covers the general physical, electrical, communication protocol and performance requirements for electric vehicle conductive charging systems and couplers.

EV connector type .jpg

Figure 2: EV connector types

Charging stations and electric vehicle communication

   Today, few charging stations (home and public charging stations) support smart grids, and even fewer cars allow V2G (vehicle-to-grid) connectivity. However, increased EV penetration is likely to increase the need for common standards for charging infrastructure and interoperability between charging stations, distribution networks, and the EV itself. Interoperability is key not only to securing charging infrastructure vendor lock-in, but also to allowing EVs to be cost-effectively connected to a variety of charging infrastructure and metering.

   ISO 15118 – the international standard for bidirectional digital communication between electric vehicles and charging stations – defines a V2G communication interface for bidirectional charging/discharging of electric vehicles. ISO15118 is a key enabler of "plug and charge" functionality, allowing EV drivers to plug in their cars, charge them, and drive away when ready. This process is enabled by a digital certificate in the vehicle, allowing it to communicate with the Charging Point Management System (CPMS). This enables a seamless end-to-end charging process, including automatic authentication and billing, and eliminates the need to use RFID cards, apps, or memorized PINs.

Here is a list of common standards for EV communication:

Standard name


ISO/IEC 15118

Bidirectional charge and discharge communication interface for electric vehicles

SAE   J2847

Communication between plug-in vehicles and off-board DC chargers

IEC   61851-24

Electric vehicle conduction charging systems - Part 24:
Digital communication between DC electric vehicle charging stations for controlling DC charging and electric vehicles

SAE   J2931

Security requirements for digital communications between electric vehicle powered equipment (EVSE) and utilities, ESI, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), and/or Home Area Network (HAN).

IEC   61850

Communication networks and systems for utility automation - all components

EV charging standards

   The IEC 61851 standard is related to conductive charging systems for electric vehicles. The standard describes four charging modes. The first three modes provide AC current to the EV on-board charger; However, Mode 4 delivers DC current directly to the battery and bypasses the onboard charger. Mode 3 uses multiple control and protection functions to target public safety.

Electric vehicle charging topology .jpg

Figure 3: EV charging topology

EV charging


Mode 1

AC charging on a typical household wall outlet (1-phase or 3-phase) with currents up to 16A. In this mode, there is no communication between the energy/grid
and the vehicle. A ground fault interrupter (GFI)/residual current detector (RCD) should be installed on the infrastructure side

Mode 2

As with Mode 1, there are higher currents and control and protection devices integrated into the in-cable control and protection equipment (IC-CPD). The IC-CPD protects against electrical hazards in the event of an isolated fault

Mode 3

AC charging takes place through a dedicated charging outlet connected to a fixed charger (or wall box). Charging is controlled via communication between the charging unit and the vehicle

Mode 4

DC charging is useful when using high power charging. In IEC mode 4, there is a dedicated wall box with a fixed charging cable and a dedicated DC charging plug

The future of EV standards and regulations

   As the world struggles to combat climate change and environmental sustainability, the proliferation of electric vehicles will be widespread. Cost reductions, technological advancements, and multiple suppliers are driving tremendous innovation in EV technology. Global EV standards can further accelerate the adoption of EV technology and improve EV safety compliance. As with conventional cars, safety and reliability are key enablers of the various standards used worldwide. Safety and security of vehicles and charging infrastructure, connectors, charging topologies, and EV communication are the main areas covered by today's standards. Despite the prevalence of different standards, there is critical mass in each region that drives the harmonized adoption of EV standards globally.